8 Strangest governors and heads of the world's habits!

Everyone has his or her own habits that distinguish it has sometimes
But of course when it comes to kings and presidents shall have the curiosity of most of us to learn their habits and hobbies, which may reveal hidden aspects of the personality both of them .

Winston Churchill :

Britain's Prime Minister during World War II, he attended all the meetings that are held in his home to discuss matters of state, wearing only his underwear .

Napoleon Bonaparte :

Emperor of France, which swept through Europe was sucking candy in the form of a lollipop children while planning for his battles with senior leaders .

 Barack Obama :

US President Barack Obama used to play basketball in the election period to reduce the severity of tension as the US president admitted that he practiced basketball, playing video games even reduces tension.

Idi Amin :

Former president of Uganda was usually has a strange and terrifying at the same time, where he owned a refrigerator filled with human skulls after execution .

Kim Yong :

North Korean leader who died in 2011, who was prevented from entering the perfume to the palace and he loved eating spiders .

Muammar Gaddafi :

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was afraid Highlands significantly and is recruiting women his personal bodyguards and Hedda addition to Ozaaihalgraybh and was nicknamed himself the king of kings of Africa .

Cleopatra :

Queen of ancient Egypt's famous Cleopatra had a strange habit where Wada wanted to open up their appetite for the food you eat cantaloupe marinated with garlic .

Adolf Hitler :

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler liked to Tnwal food in the late night and would have preferred to enjoy the eating cakes and sweets in the late night .

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